Friday, July 14, 2006

Letter received 07/14/06 (2)

Dated July 10, 2006

Dear Everyone,
This week has been bad so far. Today has been full of screwups. We lost the flag for being the best platoon during a relay race. That didn't sit too well with the DI's. I have received a few of your letters today and they were VERY helpful. I got the cards from Mom and Amanda. By the way thanks for the picture Amanda. I also received the letters from Mom and Andrew. Mom, I'll try to write more but normally we only get about an hour to square away our gear for the next day and then write letters.

Andrew, I do miss you and having time to hang out with you. When I get back we will hang out.

Beka, you need to get my address and write me, same with Josh and Vanessa. EVERYONE send pictures. They help a lot. I'll write you as soon as I can. I love you all.


P.S. Night Mom, I love you.


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