Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

T-20, Day 30
First day of Swim qualification.

Fully clothed and gear strapped upon their backs, these Marine recruits will learn how to float in adverse conditions. Tim can swim and hopefully my letter will get to him concerning some of the tips and tricks I read about in the Keeping Faith book.

It is 1:18 am, the middle of the night. I am excited because my niece is coming on Sunday with her three little girls. Jamie's husband is Brad and I have wrote about him in previous post. He is currently serving in Iraq. They were stationed in Alaska for 4 years and 2 years ago were transferred to Kentucky. I have seen her once in 7 years. I am so excited. She can relate to the military fears. She has been instrumental in keeping me sane.

3:30 pm no letter.

Just keep praying, praying, praying.



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