Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

T-19 Day 29

Initial Drill
Initial Travel
Corps Values

9:52 am

The drill is an area Tim is concerned for. I doubt Tim has issues in this area but that the platoon as a whole has issues. Tim completed 4 years of ROTC and had mastered drill. I feel sure he is one of the strong ones in regards to drill. He has ribbons from ROTC for drill.

His letters indicated the group was having difficulty and of course in the Marines, you are a group not an individual.

Life around home has changed so much since Tim's departure. We are very disconnected when it comes to routine. When it comes to concern for Tim, we are all united. Since Tim begged for more letters in his letter home last week, we have a writing marathon happening between Forrest and myself. Forrest is NOT a letter writer so for this to be happening is a miracle. God is working in all our lives and not just in regards to Tim. He has opened our eyes in many areas. Others needs have become more evident. Others hurts are felt. Where this is leading in our lives, I am not sure yet.

No letters today.

Just keep praying, praying, praying.


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