Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Here he is. This is his formal Marine photo in dress blues.

On Friday September 15th, 2006 his graduation was highly anticipated. It was truly a great day. I think the Family day exercises are the best but graduation had its highlights too.

Gramma and Grampa, Carol, Steve and Ethan, Amanda, Martin, Mason and Coen, Josh, Vanessa and Madison, Rebekah, Daniel, Andrew, Forrest and Myself were all there to cheer him on. We got a great family photo on the bleachers afterward. I will post it too if it will let me.

We had to repair Rebekahs tire before leaving the base. Tim also had some last minute purchases to make for his MCT training.

The ride home on Friday was intermidable. We missed our exit and went out of the way.

We finally got home around 8:30. We had to unload and get ready for the wedding the next day. It was a very exhausting weekend.

Thanks for praying, we felt the prayers.



At 2:46 PM, Blogger Phillips said...

Can you give me another copy of the family picture? My copy got messed up in the diaper bag. Thanks, Manda


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