Home Sweet Home!
This day has been a long time coming. Four long years to be exact. Tim left for bootcamp on fathers day 2006. His last day with the Marines will be June 16, 2010. He had a lot of time built up and was able to come home on May 18 and ride out the last 28 days searching for a job. Finding a job was paramount as they were trying to purchase a house and reap the benefits of the $8k incentive. Ashley was able to get a job last Thursday with Food Lion. Tim started working for Allied Barton last week. So they both are employed now and the closing on the house may proceed. It is really a nice house, much nicer than the first place Forrest and I had.
So, with all that being said, I bid "our" service to the United States Marine Corps adeau. I will always be a Marine's mom. I will continue to post here from time to time. This group of people are "family", and will always be near and dear to my heart. If you have a love one in the military, God Bless YOU! I will pray for you and the safety of your hero. We must hold our flag high. We must not let it droop. I don't even like that word, droop. It sounds so forlorn and depressed. Please let us know if your loved one gets deployed. We will continue to pray for them daily. As money becomes available we will send out care packages. I know our daughter, Amanda, is active in a group I believe is Soldiers Angels. She will not lose the passion she has to "care" for our heros. May we all be so noble.